Sunday, February 10, 2008

New Ideas

Well I've not writen any thing in a while now but I have something that I just need to share. I was in my science class the other day and it was all about the pursuit towards absolute zero. It was the most interesting thing that I had ever seen because it led me to my new theory about the universe.
The current view is that the universe will expand for all eternity moving apart at an exponentional rate until the universe dies a cold death. When I first heard this theory I was in disbelief. There is no way that a universe, which is made of cycles, could not be a cycle in its self. The universe had to die and be reborn. Forever.
But then I discovered that atoms behave much differently at cool temperatures. They start to be have like waves and are able to travel much faster than ordinary atoms. It was like they quantified and couldn't tell if they were here or there or if they even were. If this is true then it is possible that towards the end of the universe, when the temperature drops close to absolute zero, all the atoms in the universe will be able to overcome the expansive properties of Dark Energy and coalesce towards the center of the universe and condense in to a hyper dense orb that would signify the end/new beginning of the universe. Thus the cycle is preserved and balance is maintained.
This brings about the question of dark energy and dark matter, but that is for another discussion.